Thursday, March 18, 2010

Entrepreneurship VS Teknopreneurship

What a difference a small business, entrepreneurs traditional, and teknopreneurship?


* Motivation working alone, more to the owners and pesonaliti usually have specific ideas
* Ownership usually directly from the founder or a partner business
* Managerial style is more just to the trial and errors and still avoid the risk, as well as current financial flow is still stable

* Leadership from Small businesses have good relations with subordinates, collaborate, and usually often produce small victories
* Innovation of small businesses take a long time in accordance with the responsibilities owner
* Outsourcing or networking business simpler and smaller still if the business lobby is usually directly to the owner
* Potential growth stable
* Target the local market and do suppression costs

Entrepreneur Traditional

* More motivation to many concepts and ideas, the exploitation of many opportunities and the accumulation of wealth
* Ownership in controlling shares in the profits maximum
* Professional managerial style and willing to accept risks
* Leadership by high authority
* Innovation is not the main priority, but rely on franchise and license
* Outsourcing is important, but saying difficult get expert
* Potential growth use protection, monopoly, oligopoly, so that slower global growth
* Target markets more to the national and time-consuming long


* Motivation for success with technology new, competition and risk management
* Ownership comes from small to large stocks
* Managerial style with limited experience, but flexible, and a spirit of innovation that sustainable
* Leadership is always appreciated contributions and achievements, also fought in collective
* In innovation has always been a leader in research, IT and the global biotech, plus the speed of product launch to market
* Growing together in a team outsourcing
* Enormous growth potential as always acquires technology and market change over technology new
* Targeting the global market and educate consumers technology new

Should Teknopreneurship encouraged its development by the government. Only by the growing number of them that, then the nation Indonesia will be able to become a competitive nation in the level of global competition. Teknopreneur not only 'Selling' commodities or goods industry relatively tight market competition. They sell innovative products that can be substitute or complement the progress of civilization humans.

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Hobby is a great way to start a business. Why? Since combining the excitement, interest and talent. That way, you will not feel overwhelmed at work or build businesses. As if you do it while playing. Not that course, if it is a hobby, then surely you already know the ropes and even to details.

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Hobby is a great way to start a business. Why? Since combining the excitement, interest and talent. That way, you will not feel overwhelmed at work or build businesses. As if you do it while playing. Not that course, if it is a hobby, then surely you already know the ropes and even to details. Let's say you hobby caring for plants. Surely you know where get a good seed, where to buy fertilizer, media and other supporting materials with low price and how to care and cultivation. May also You have joined the same community of hobbyists. This makes you get information and relations.

Then, how to start a business from this hobby? Actually almost the same as starting a new business. The difference is, you've got the base knowledge, insights and experience adequate. Some things you should consider are:

1. Your Hobbies Tekuni
'Practice makes perfect'. If during You do this hobby to fill time because leisure or fun, starting now you must diligently practice. Do not forget to practice all the theory directly from the you have learned. With practice, the ability You will increase and you are able to produce products best. This course will increase the value selling.

2. Add your knowledge
Not enough if you rely on experience. You need to increase knowledge through courses, seminars or training related to the hobby. Through Such activity, you will gain knowledge and certificates that can increase personal branding and prestige. This will inspire trust customer. Nothing wrong with reading books, magazines, Internet or other media to increase knowledge You. By following the mailing (Mailling List) in accordance hobby, you can even get additional insight. It may be that even an expert to see directly. Obviously this very useful.

3. Learning from Expert
Experience is the teacher who best. No need to experience your own nature. You can draw experience from the business has been successful. For example to learn from entrepreneurs plants ornamental that has been successful. Or learn from lecturers qualified researchers. Learning directly with the experts and successful people who run hobby according you tekuni, will improve your ability. It is the best way to produce a product a good and competitive both in terms of quality and price. In fact, you can measure the ability and your work.

4. Marketed products You
If your product is ready, immediately marketed. For the initial stage, can be offered to community to join. Or to the nearest environment such as neighbors and relatives. The advantage, you can ask for feedback about your product, and improve before it is distributed. If they're good response, you could try to offer to the stores. Only several types of stores will only accept goods from certain suppliers.
Or if not, they providing certain requirements, such as the minimum number of items things, the continuity of supply, rebates, etc..
If your product is unique and not the market, better doing marketing online. In addition to cheap, you can reach the right consumers.

5. Do sure: Promotions!
Good marketing needs supported by a good campaign, too. Do not be lazy to promote your product. Promotion can be done in many ways. If you want free, go through the site ad free. Or advertise on the mailing lists, mailing lists. If you want promotion personal, can by distributing samples to prospective our buyers. Giving bonuses to the amount of purchase also good for a particular campaign. Generally when customers satisfied, they will tell people other.

That it should be noted also, before actually go into business, you still need to conduct market research and create a business plan although simple. This is to avoid wasting energy, time and cost. In addition, you learned from several hobbies that you have, what hobbies which could be business. So, has prepared a hobby You dibisniskan?

Salam sukses!

Dessy Danarti, author of "From Hobbies to be Hockey "(Andrew, 2005)